

We offer Monthly Payroll Services to small business owners who prefer to outsource the Payroll Function. Our experienced team can assist with all aspects of Payroll, Payroll Software, and related tasks. Our payroll partner is called PaySpace, – an industry leading platform that offers business owners cloud-based payroll and human capital solutions.



Our Payroll Services Include:

Monthly Payslips
Monthly EMP201 Return Submissions
EMP501 Return Submissions
IRP5 Certificates
Monthly UIF Submissions to the Department of Labour

Get in touch to inquire about our monthly payroll services.

PaySpace is an easy to use software that assists business owners with various cloud-based payroll tasks. The platform aims to improve payroll data accuracy and processing efficiency.
The benefits of using PaySpace as your cloud-based payroll system include on demand access; automatic updates to important tax legislation implemented across all platforms and no time delays or loss of work while historical data is retrieved.

Who We Work With